Very good way for presentation of any type portfolio with scrolling image bar effect.
Without knowing any code language and without opening the .fla file you can add and remove pictures.
There is no limitation for quantity of the pictures that you can add.
Complete instructions for editing/adding included. Easy to add, edit or delete photos.
Preloader is used because the pictures taken to swf from an external source.
You can set the fade effect speed and sliding bar speed from external .xml file
You can find Flash 8 and Flash CS3 formats.
While changing all the values in xml, you must put the values inside " " marks.
You will see 3 property (fadeSpeed,thumbSpeed,isThumbEffect) for animation at the first line of xml file.
You can open and edit xml file with notepad.Settings and explanations are shown below.
fadeSpeed :You can set the speed of fadein effect.This value can be set between 1 and 50. Slowest value is 1
thumbSpeed :You can set the speed of scrolling image bar.This value can be set between 1 and 50. Slowest value is 1. You can change this value according to your picture count.
isThumbEffect :This value can be 0 or 1.If this value is 1, selected picture's size will grow up a little at scrolling bar. If this value is 0, mouse over effect will not display.
What will you do to add pictures to your animation?
1. Add the suitable sized pictures to the images folder.(400x360 pixel)
2. Add the suitable sized pictures to the thumbnails folder.(50x50 pixel)
3. Open the gallery.xml file with notepad or any other text editors.
4. Copy and paste it to a new line.
There must be one line for every picture of your gallery.
(You will see lines that starting with